The Institute of Evolutionary Biology (IBE, is a research institute run by the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) and the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF). The IBE is currently located in the CMIMA ( and PRBB ( buildings, in Barcelona, while a building with new spaces is being prepared in the same campus.
The IBE currently consists of 18 research groups conducting basic research in many aspects of evolutionary biology. The research groups strongly interact with other groups located in the area and have access to outstanding scientific facilities both at the PRBB and the city of Barcelona, including state-of-the-art core services such as animal facilities, bioinformatics, genomics, ultrasequencing and many others.

The IBE is recruiting outstanding scientists as group leaders, and a position is currently open under the subject “Genómica comparada y filogenia” (“Comparative genomics and phylogenetics”). The IBE would especially welcome now candidates conducting research on either phylogenetics or statistical genomics.

Phylogenetics candidates should carry out research on animal biodiversity from a phylogenetic perspective with the aim of gaining further insight, not only into the tree of life itself, but especially on the evolutionary processes that gave rise to current biodiversity patterns. Ideally, candidates should take a multidisciplinary approach, using a combination of theoretical, morphological, cytological and molecular techniques to address the scientific questions in their areas of research.

Statistical genomics candidates should carry out research on genetic diversity at the whole- genome scale from the population genetics, statistics and bioinformatics perspectives. Ideally, they should use state-of-the-art maximum-likelihood and Bayesian techniques for the interpretation of intra- and inter-specific patterns of diversity to infer information on the demographic and selective processes that shape them.

Those interested in formally applying must follow the instructions described in the Boletin Oficial del Estado (see detailed instructions and deadlines in: BOE, 162, 2B: 58937-58953, 2010, If they want more information on the IBE, potential candidates may informally contact the IBE by sending a message (preferably acompanied by a brief CV and a proposed research program) to:

Xavier Bellés, Director of the IBE

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